Until further notice...
Online office hours are
Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri: 11am - 1pm and 2pm - 4pm
Wed: Closed
Sat & Sun: Closed
Public Holidays: Closed
Deceased Estates only.
Unfortunately we are unable accept new clients at this stage,
we apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
You can reach us by calling 4208 0000
or emailing info@BPLS.com.au

Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Will?A written testimony as to how you want your assets distributed after your death and who you appoint to ensure your wishes are met.
Why do I need a Will?If you are over 18 years old and: have ever been employed; have any assets (e.g bank account, car, or house); have children, especially in a blended family; are in a relationship; or simply live with your mates, YOU need a Will to ensure that those you love and care about will be readily able to sort out your estate in the event of your death. For younger people, an early death is usually totally unexpected and therefore, they do not have opportunity to make a "last minute" Will.
What is an Enduring Power of Attorney?You can make a Power of Attorney document appointing someone of your choice to manage your financial affairs on your behalf, should the need arise, or at any time, on the terms you specify. An Enduring Power of Attorney, requires a Solicitor's certificate if you wish for your Attorney to be able to continue assisting you if you lose mental capacity - this can include if you become unconscious from, e.g a sporting injury, accident or stroke. If you do not appoint an Attorney of your own choice, the NSW Trustee & Guardian will step in to manage your finances, for which they will charge hefty fees.
What is a Power of Guardianship?If you are over 18yo, and lose mental capacity, even temporarily eg if you become unconscious from a stroke, sporting injury or other accident, you can have someone who loves and cares about you making vital lifestyle decisions on your behalf. IF this is your preference, you will need to have a formal Enduring Power of Guardianship document in place. This document must be prepared by a solicitor and it is only triggered IF you lose mental capacity. If you do not appoint a Guardian of your own choice, the NSW Trustee & Guardian will step in to make decisions about your life, for which they will charge hefty fees.
Can I make my own Will??????????????
What is Conveyancing?Conveyancing is the process of transferring ownership of a legal title of land to the new owner, whether it be a from a person or entity.
Why should I use a Solicitor for my Conveyancing?While a conveyancer's expertise is in conveyancing, a solicitor has broader knowledge of the law, and could advise on issues that fall outside of a regular conveyancing transaction, such as tax implications. A solicitor is better equipped to handle more complex sales that contain more risk.
What is Transfer Duty? (aka Stamp Duty)Stamp duty is a tax levied by state or territory governments on certain purchases, including buying a home, land or investment property. The amount of stamp duty charged varies depending on where the transaction takes place and the value of the property. If you’re buying your first home you might not have to pay stamp duty if you are eligible for the state-based First Home Owners Grant. Other concessions and exemptions may also be available according to individual circumstances
Where is my Certificate of Title?A Certificate of Title, sometimes referred to as a title deed or a land title, is a formal legal document that provides evidence of ownership of real property. It is a printed document showing a title reference, name(s) of registered owners and any registered dealings such as mortgage details. As of Monday 11 October 2021, paper Certificates of Title in NSW were abolished under the Real Property Amendment (Certificates of Title) Act 2021. All land dealings in NSW are now lodged electronically, meaning hard-copy Certificate of Titles are no longer needed.
Do I need to get a Pest & Building report if the Vendor has already obtained one???????
What is an Executor and what are their duties as an Executor?As executor, your role is to carry out the directions contained in the Will and legally administer the estate after the will-maker has passed away. Many people are unsure of what is expected of them, and it is important that you: are reliable and act responsibly understand the legal, financial and taxation implications of the work involved can maintain independence if there is the added complication of disputes.
What if I don't want to be an Executor??????????????
What is Probate???????????
Does every Estate need to obtain Probate???????????
When and how are the assets distributed????????????

Contact Us
Office: Shop 2, 17 Addison Street
Shellharbour, NSW 2529
Post: P.O Box 4032, Shellharbour NSW 2529
Email: info@bpls.com.au
Tel: (02) 4208 0000
Office hours
Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm
Closed from 1pm-2pm
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed
Copyright 2023 – Beyond Property Legal Services – Website Designed by CBT Law Pty Ltd
CBT Law Pty Ltd (ABN: 58 121 889 263) t/as Beyond Property Legal Solutions
Liability Limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation
Contact Us
Office: Shop 2, 17 Addison Street
Shellharbour, NSW 2529
Post: PO Box 4032, Shellharbour 2529
Email: info@bpls.com.au
Tel: (02) 4208 0000
Office hours
Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm
Sat & Sun: Closed
Public Hols: Closed
Copyright 2023 – Beyond Property Legal Services – Website Designed by CBT Law Pty Ltd
CBT Law Pty Ltd (ABN: 58 121 889 263) t/as Beyond Property Legal Solutions
Liability Limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation